Back To School: Backpack Round Up
Well it's happened, Hannah want's to follow in her Mama (Bear's) footsteps and share about her favorite things! Since we currently do not have the time for a YouTube channel, I recently (and reluctantly) created her an Instagram account @sunshinesisterbear , which I manage of course, because who really wants to see a million selfies of an eight-year-old trying to do duck lips? (No one!) And let's face it, kids are getting phones earlier these days and already searching the web! Seriously, when Hannah got braces, she looked up videos of other kids getting braces and how to care for...
What your Man really wants for Fathers Day!
My amazing wife (Sarah) asked me (Jeremy) to provide a man’s perspective on what men want for Father’s Day... So, here is my two cents… Keep in mind, I don't know your dude… but for me, I am very simple, as are most men. I don't need any gadgets or gizmos... if I need new underwear, work tie or socks, I will order them myself on Amazon! What I want and need for Father’s Day, is really what I want and need every day! I really only require 3 things....some food, "cuddle time" (kiddos and wife) and most...
Father's Day Bundle Giveaway
Father's Day Bundle I have personally rounded up some of my favorite brands and items for an Ultimate Father's Day Bundle Giveaway! Every year we are faced with the challenge of "what to get Dad?" So let me help you out a little with some of our Top Picks! Click the link at the bottom of the post for full prize descriptions, terms and conditions. Exhaust-Dad Hat by Mom Culture Daddy Bear Tee by Loved by Hannah and Eli Custom Engraved Tactical Knife by One Memory Lane Dad Swag Raglan by KaAn's Designs Treager Wood Fired Grills Bundle All you...
Ulta Giftcard/Paypal Cash Giveaway

Hey Mama Bear's! I’ve teamed up with some of my favorite Bloggers and YouTubers for an amazing GIVEAWAY! Since I've been sharing with you some of my favorite beauty items and tips I thought what better way than to participate in a giveaway where you have a chance to win a $500 Giftcard to one of my favorite stores... ULTA! OR you can opt to take the PayPal cash! Either way, we want you to #TreatYoSelf! One lucky person will win a $500 Ulta Giftcard or PayPal Cash. The winner will be announced by 3/28 on this page. You'll receive 2...
Preggo Babe Style + Giveaway

Every Mama Bear deserves to feel and look her very best, especially during pregnancy! Finding a great #ootd while preggo that is both comfy + chic is no longer a challenge because we would like to introduce you to Preggo Leggings! Preggo Leggings offers a variety of styles and pieces to help you feel beautiful and confident during pregnancy without compromising your comfort. We partnered together to spoil one Mama Bear with a chance to score one of these looks styled by our beautiful model, Kimberly Blank. Who knows? You might be the one lucky winner of $150 in prizes! What are you...