Blog — shop small
What your Man really wants for Fathers Day!
My amazing wife (Sarah) asked me (Jeremy) to provide a man’s perspective on what men want for Father’s Day... So, here is my two cents… Keep in mind, I don't know your dude… but for me, I am very simple, as are most men. I don't need any gadgets or gizmos... if I need new underwear, work tie or socks, I will order them myself on Amazon! What I want and need for Father’s Day, is really what I want and need every day! I really only require 3 things....some food, "cuddle time" (kiddos and wife) and most...
Father's Day Bundle Giveaway
Father's Day Bundle I have personally rounded up some of my favorite brands and items for an Ultimate Father's Day Bundle Giveaway! Every year we are faced with the challenge of "what to get Dad?" So let me help you out a little with some of our Top Picks! Click the link at the bottom of the post for full prize descriptions, terms and conditions. Exhaust-Dad Hat by Mom Culture Daddy Bear Tee by Loved by Hannah and Eli Custom Engraved Tactical Knife by One Memory Lane Dad Swag Raglan by KaAn's Designs Treager Wood Fired Grills Bundle All you...
Father's Day round up!

Can you believe Father's Day is next weekend?! We've got a round up that gives you all sorts of great gift ideas... and most are from our favorite small shops! Here is what we are loving and why! Does your hubs have a beard? If so.. I'm sure it needs to be tamed! Thankfully we have discovered Perfectly Posh's Shave Gel. If the man in your life has wild hair too (lol!) or they just love hats, we have found these two to be favorites: Weestructed has designed a stellar Exhaust·dad snap back & our friends at Luckless Outfitters have an official licensed Chevy design available! Now...
Have you heard of Wee Rascals?

Graphic tee's are all the rage but we've found a shop that's doing things a little different! Now don't get us wrong, we love all the slang, funny sayings, and ya know Target never fails us with the super hero & princess styles BUT sometimes we forget about the real deal. Wee Rascals made sure we remember. Wee Rascals - founded by two momma's, Kylie & Liz wanted real stories to tell their kids... stories they couldn't just find on the screen. With that in mind, graphic tee's were born focusing on faces like Frida Kahlo, Martin Luther King Jr., and Abraham Lincoln. And those are just a few legends...